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Keep up-to-date on the latest benefits news, our stories and guest posts on employee engagement, communication and retention.
By Ian Bird, Business Development Director at Secondsight and founder of Mybenefitsatwork Pension Awareness Day takes…
Employers are always thinking of creative ways to support their employees’ mental health and reduce stress in the…
As an HR professional, like myself, you are aware of the challenges we face when it comes to employee engagement and…
All your employees will have different goals for their retirement. Some will look forward to days off relaxing or…
It’s great news that, since the introduction of auto enrolment back in 2012, 10 million people have been saving for…
It’s that time of year again. The office decorations are out, the mince pies have arrived on our desks and the…
By Ian Bird This week is Talk Money Week (12th – 18th November), an awareness event formally known as Financial…
There’s no denying the use of digital technology, particularly smartphones, is on the increase. A report published…
Workplace communication is the process of communicating verbally and non-verbally to exchange ideas and information…
With the 14th-20th of May being Mental Health Awareness Week, we would like to highlight the importance of early…
As you already know, an unhappy employee is often an unproductive employee, which can cost your business. They can be…
As part of the organisation’s reward and benefits strategy, Kier Group has been placing a real focus on financial…
Childcare vouchers represent a good saving for working parents and it’s, therefore, perceived as a great benefit by…
National employee appreciation day, celebrated on the first Friday of March every year, is just around the corner. This…
The use of application programme interfaces, though, is helping employers to draw on information from different sources.…
Following an exciting month of celebrations exchanging presents and indulging in food and drink, most of us are now left…
Wow this year has flown by! Another two weeks and Christmas will be upon us. Whilst the festive season gets most of us…
We live in a fast-paced and technological age, with access to almost everything you can think of on our smartphones. So,…
The National Stress Awareness Day, which takes place every November 1st since 1998, has this year become an…
Today (10th October) marks World Mental Health Day and the theme is mental health in the workplace. The pressures of…
Today is Pension Awareness Day – a special day in the calendar created to make the nation aware of pensions. This…
With mental health problems taking its toll on employees, and costing UK employers approximately £2.4 billion per year…
April is National Stress Awareness Month. Busy work environments, tight deadlines, demanding clients and big projects…
It’s not hard to understand why over 130,000 businesses in the UK offer apprenticeship places. Apprentices can bring…
Tomorrow, Saturday 4th February, marks World Cancer Day. Cancer affects more than 700,000 people of working age and…
Every year most of us make New Year’s resolutions and more often than not, after a few days, we’ve cheated or given…
Christmas is just around the corner. Some employees get excited about office parties, client events and well deserved…
As today is National Stress Awareness Day (2nd Nov), it seemed a great opportunity to share with you simple ways to help…
As a rule, charity employees tend to work for causes close to their hearts and, therefore, they usually feel more…
Adopting a holistic approach to employee wellbeing makes business sense; it’s important to focus on the physical,…
It’s widely recognised that employees who are happy in their job work with passion and pride. One of the best ways to…
I wasn’t surprised to read that lack of communication in the workplace is the main reason why employees decide to…
With the referendum date fast approaching, employers need to be prepared for any HR implications or changes to…
May is the national walking month. How about encouraging your employees to have a “lunch walk”? Working through…
You dedicate a lot of time and effort on recruiting the right employee for your company. However, with the millennial…
This week marks National Apprenticeship week. Latest figures show that more businesses than ever are now offering…
The new year is recognised as one of the busiest times in the job market. As new recruits get ready to join your team,…
Since 30th June 2014, the right to request flexible working has been in place for all staff, regardless of whether they…
Sunday was Valentine’s Day. And as people all over the country focused on celebrating their love with the special…
Thursday 4th February marks World Cancer Day ( In the UK alone, an estimated 90,000 people of…
January is a difficult month for most people, the post-Christmas blues are still holding a firm grip and it is a long…
It’s no great shock that January is the prime month for people to reflect on their lives and consider the changes they…
When joining a new company having a great range of benefits is a high priority for candidates. Recent research of 2,000…
It’s becoming more common to hear of some of the big players to allow office dogs. Companies like Google, Ben &…
American companies have done it again. They’ve come up with an innovative new employee benefit that has got everyone…
Busyness is a feeling we are all familiar with. Being busy can often mean successful, but too frequently it can also…
According to the 2015 Absence Management annual survey report from the CIPD, over the last year 31% of employers have…
Alcohol Awareness week was 16th-22nd November and it’s got us thinking about the potential pitfalls of alcohol in the…
Working from home (flexible working), also known as telecommuting or homeworking, is a well-known term across most…
I read a story this week about an employee who had inadvertently sent a topless photo (intended for her boyfriend) to…
The culture within your organisation can be an important factor in improving employee satisfaction. Because after all,…
One of the quickest ways to reduce staff turnover and increase performance is to increase employee engagement amongst…
Employee engagement is the commitment shown by your employees to your organisation’s goals and values. They are fully…
Stoptober is in full flow and many employees are in the throes of putting their willpower to the ultimate test. Growing…
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Mybenefitsatwork and Secondsight are trading names of Foster Denovo Limited. Foster Denovo Limited is registered in England and Wales, Reg No 05970987. Registered Office: Ruxley House, 2 Hamm Moor Lane, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 2SA. Foster Denovo Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.