employee wellbeing

News and Opinions

National Fun at Work Day – inject a little fun into your employees’ work lives!

January is a difficult month for most people, the post-Christmas blues are still holding a firm grip and it is a long wait for payday and warmer weather. It’s no surprise that…

News and Opinions

Help your staff beat the New Year’s blues

It’s no great shock that January is the prime month for people to reflect on their lives and consider the changes they can make for the better. Low bank balances, holiday weight…

News and Opinions

Does the introduction of duvet days signal the end of the sickie?

American companies have done it again. They’ve come up with an innovative new employee benefit that has got everyone talking. It’s called a Duvet Day. Employers were fed up of…

News and Opinions

Are stressed and busy the same? How to stop busyness affecting your business

Busyness is a feeling we are all familiar with. Being busy can often mean successful, but too frequently it can also mean stressed. A little stress can be useful in boosting…